Resolved -
A new generation `Camunda 8.6.0+gen2`, containing Zeebe 8.6.2 with the fix, is available.
We recommend to update clusters running `Camunda 8.6.0+gen1` to `Camunda 8.6.0+gen2` asap.
We will trigger automatic updates to `Camunda 8.6.0+gen2` for all clusters that have automatic updates enabled.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
Oct 11, 19:36 CEST
Update -
We are preparing a new release fixing the issue.
Oct 11, 17:35 CEST
Update -
We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Oct 11, 13:38 CEST
Identified -
An issue has been identified as a critical bug in the 8.6+Gen1 generation in Zeebe. This can potentially lead to data corruption. We have not detected any data corruption yet and we consider the likelihood of a data corruption low, but we want to proactively prevent this through a hotfix. We have disabled the creation of new clusters using this generation until the hotfix is available. We are working to mitigate the issue and will provide an update in the next 1hr.
Affected Versions: 8.6+Gen1
Affected Regions: Belgium, Europe (europe-west1), London, Europe (europe-west2), South Carolina, North America (us-east1), Iowa, North America (us-central1), Toronto, North America (northamerica-northeast2), Sydney, Australia (australia-southeast1)
Oct 11, 13:33 CEST